Wih only 4 days left...

Time to Get All Dressed up!

FREE Uniqlo in Times Square

God Never quits so why should you!

For a little over a month I have been jobless, laying low, eating everything in sight and going into a state of Depression. I promised myself not to cry and just keep positive until 2 weeks ago I had a huge mental breakdown. I just could take it anymore so I prayed and prayed and prayed some more. God had spoke to me right then and there, he told me to be patient something is gonna come and its gonna be bigger than you could have imagined. I had no idea what he was talking about but I kept the faith and waited. I looked everywhere for a job and even applied for Mcdonalds just to keep the lights on until I got the job opportunity of a lifetime. I was blessed with a job at Louis Vuitton, God is good and all the time God is good. When things seem like things they are getting worse just hold on a little bit longer God is just making a way outta no where for you! and if you can't pray Hit me up Ill pray for you or even with you! I am living proof! I love you Jesus!
xoxo Rain
Rockstar :The Movie!
Rockstar society: THE MOVIE from Nunnie20 on Vimeo. My name is Rain King and I fucking support this movie!!
Aint No Line too long!!!
Diddy Blog # 30 : The twins endorse Obama!

Movie Review!: SAW 5
I wish I had 100 bucks for this 1

oh my sweet Jesus!

Yes you still have to pay child support for Madison and Jaden!!!
its 9pm and...

Sex Pistol!!

Name: MiYU
Age: 19 soon to be 20 in Nov!
Single or Taken: Single
Myspace url: http://www.%20myspace.%20com/_miyu_/
Where r u reppin?: Yokohama, 045
Occupation: Entertainer
Why Do you think your a sex pistol? everything about "MiYU"
Peanut butter & Jelly or Ham & Cheese? Ham & Cheese
If you could have 3 Party guests at your party dead or alive who would they be?
Pharrell, Kanye and Lupe.
What article of clothing you would take if it was the end of the world? my freakum dress lol
Any Last words... What you're gonna do is what matters most not what you have done in the past. Look forward and just go for it.MiYU
Rock Band!!!
My Prayers go out to Jennifer Hudson!

Seventeen Magazine Wants you!!!

Saw V Im soo Fucking Excited!!!

Its Obama Fever!

Design a Dress for Mariah!

I heard you can't Cook!! Get some tips from Chef Jay S.
ALIFE Courtyard Sale!
Kissed by Rain spring 09 update!
Rain we use to describe spring 09. Bright colors are the norm but we
kick it up a bit more with sicker patterns and more designs. 15 design
to be exact. Also I will have my own radio show very soon and look out
for my new baby Project Fashion for all you NYC high school seniors.
Slowly but surely im gonna make it work. Dreams are real im living
M!$$ Rain
Fashion Tat of October
one that is worth posting till now. One of my lil sister's friend Apple
has this sick ass tat. Its 3 buttons that is pulling her skin together
to make it close like a button up shirt. Sick huh? She says she isn't
done because she wants to add a collar and a tie. Seriously this makes
me wanna get a sleeve bad... uhhh the pressure
Rain King of Kissed By Rain
I love this gyal!
20 signs your cuffed!!!
Ehhh Ehh But wait!!

Would you Strip Tease for your man on a Coffee table!!!
Im on Styleaholics.com!!
Im dying my hair back to black