On Tuesday I was sitting in my house eating cereal in the kitchen by the window minding my own business just the Honey Combs in the bowl when outta no where squirrel flew into the window. I ran screaming threw the house. Don't worry I wasn't hurt, because thank god I had the screen and the bar on the window to protect me. I was definitely scarred though.
Then on Wednesday night my cousin and I decide to go jogging like we normally after a long day of work. As we were circling the block she said she had to use the bathroom and we proceeded to head for her house. As we approached the house we notice a furry figure by the garbage can but assumed it was a cat. As we looked closer we noticed it wasn't a cat but a huge mama Raccoon and 4 of her babies. We ran for cover in the house but she surround the house so we could'nt leave because she thought we were a threat to her children. We called the cops and waited till they came. I didn't even know raccoons were in the residential area! SAVE US!!!

lol. funny.
lololol wow!
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