Ladies this is for you! As I was talking to my girl Brent about what else I could add to my blog, she was brainstorming and I was also. I came up with " Take you home" It simply is the guy you know you want, and want to take home pretty much! IT doens't mean you have to take home and have sex, it could mean take you home and talk or talk you home and cuddle or take you home and
PIN YOU DOWN TO A COUCH AND HAVE A CRAZY MAKE OUT SESSION!! LMAO! This is my take you home and ladies if you know of a guy you want to take home then tell me and ill put provided by you or keep it anonymous.

As my First Take you home this is Keondric Williams he is a student at the University of Miami studying Motion Pictures. He is a phototographer, that needs to take some pics of me WINK WINK! He is from Portmore, Jamaica, and is a Christian. He has a girl ( or a least that what it says on Facebook) and is too cute! He also has a Phototography company call KWill Phototography. Here is some of his work!
Pretty Dope huh!? Here is his Myspace and his blog if you wanna check him out and his work of course!
He is def. one to take home!
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