BUT!! there are those who just derseve to be aired out completely!! cuz they suck!
After the Fashion Show on Thursday my girles and I got dressed and headed to "Traffic Night Club" to chill and party before I headed out in the morning back to reality! I had a great night dancing with my girls and seeing peeps I haven't seen in a minute. JUST MAD LOVE!!
Just as the night was about to be over, as I was walking through the doors to go up the stairs and out the club. This Nigga Gilbo, Yes that's Brandon Gilbeaux grabbed my butt as I was walking out. I simply turned around and said "Don't touch my ass"in a bitch tone. WHY WHY WHY WHY! did this nigga yes I said it NIGGA!!! Why did this nigga Nick Chestnut feel the need to butt his nappy head ass in the situation I just ended. And I quote " Shut up and turn your bald headed ass around, you fucking scallywag"(which means slut or whore or hoe) is what he said to me. Now Ladies and Gentlemen was this totally necessary, this is how niggas get shot for being nosey!. I just came to have a good time and have a Lil fun before I go back to the real world, BUT! Nick seriouslyyou came out your face and so will I right now!Just cause you scored a Lil bit of touch downs and was on the front cover of some Syracuse newspapers doesn't make you the shyt...and where are you from Texas huh... come on... Truthfully you really aren't period.
I'm sorry to stoop down to your pitiful ass level... but I don't like getting disrespected not in the 'Cuse, not in NY, not anywhere. And don't think you getting a Lil bit of shine cuz I put you on my blog please.
People know me... Ur a nobody in the 'Cuse. Period I'm done.

lolololhahahah you tell that black ass mother fuker!!!!!!!!! not to mess with you! you should have straight up stab him do it BK style!!!! shoot a niGGa! chop his dik off some real gangsta shyt hahahahahahaha lv you cuz rr.
Lmao niggas jus wanna be kissed by rain lol (don't mind me) but he's jus an ass thinkin he's tha shit cuz he plays 4 a crappy ass football team sorry but they don't win shit anyways don't let a LAME like this get 2 u shawty haters gonna hate and dickheads r jus gonna be... well DICKS I guess
lol now u kno i got sumthin to say bout dis shit...first of all where da hell did dis boy come from sayin sum shit like dat like wtf is his problem n wat is his life about u was obviously mindin ya business n nicca comes from west frield talkin shit smh see this is y i be gettin crazi cuz niccas is direspectful n outta order...but its ok boo fuc him n hs life cuz u kno u r no such thing dat nicca jus mad cuz he cant be KiSSED MY RAiN lol luv ya boo!! im off dis
funny as shit!
hahaha I hate this nigga too! Like he's always been like that, and I'm really from texas and like he acted like it wasn't anything. Like how many people from texas are at the 'cuse? He acted like such an asshole.
you betta get it...but you gotta remember girls make niggas like him have a big head...trust I date a football player and although mine is humble i gotta check some of this friends...some...most of them just joke with me about how fast some chicks are...so really a lot of them come in humble but leave with an STD and a record of fuck about 1000chicks,lol...because of the attention they get...they just nee d a chick like you to remind them that they messing the a real one and not a groupie!
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