For the Past couple of parties I've been too the guys I have noticed are dress well eeeehhh not there age, but Don't get my wrong I will pick a Lemar & Dauley and some kicks any day but there is a time and place for everything ESPECIALLY on dates with the Ladies. You can dress up jeans and still feel comfy and here are a couple of looks and tips to give you some ideas.

To make jeans date worthy, wear them with traditional button-down shirts in conservative solid colors, checks, or pinstripes. Save brightly patterned shirts, which emphasize denim’s casual aesthetic. And always, always tuck your shirt in and secure the jeans with a belt.

The surest way to give denim an elegant cast is to trade the sneakers for lace-ups. Pair jeans with a slightly looser cut (ones that aren’t skin-tight in the thighs) with noticeable shoes like patent-leather wing tips; understated black oxfords look best with slimmer styles. And if you want to wear light-colored bucks, stick with inky denim.
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