Fashion walks like this!

Kissed By Rain
by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
Eye Candy!

Take you home
by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
This show is the worst show on TV... Period

by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
Diddy Wants you?

Tree grows in a man's Lung

Look of the day!

by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
And here we go!
Today I am going to sever a tie I messed up because of my bullshit. So
todays advice from me to you is if you don't talk to someone because of
some dumb stuff, kiss and make up. Don't wanna go thru life hating
anyone, remember love one another just as God loves us. God = Love
M!$$ Rain
todays advice from me to you is if you don't talk to someone because of
some dumb stuff, kiss and make up. Don't wanna go thru life hating
anyone, remember love one another just as God loves us. God = Love
M!$$ Rain
In by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
Sweet Mary Mother of God! WISHLIST!!!!

by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
How To Mend A Broken Heart

Tip 1 – Don’t romanticize the relationship.
When a relationship comes to an end, avoid the mistake of only remembering “the good times,” or the things that you miss about the person. Be honest with yourself about the good and the bad experiences that were a part of the relationship. Remember: THERE IS A REASON THAT THE TWO OF YOU ARE NO LONGER TOGETHER. Instead of simply trying to “move on,” work toward understanding some important things about the relationship, and yourself. What attracted you to a relationship with this person? Were there any “signs” that you missed or chose to ignore that let you know that the two of you were not compatible? Is there any emotional baggage ( i.e. jealousy, insecurity, low self-esteem) that you may have come into the relationship with that may have contributed to the relationship’s demise? The more objective you can be about the relationship (and your role within it), the better chance you have of being able to utilize the relationship as a stepping stone toward a happier, healthier one in the future.
Tip 2 – Take stock of what you’ve learned.
Although the relationship didn’t go the distance, it doesn’t mean that the lessons that you learn from the experience can’t. As you explore the various aspects of your relationship (as outlined in Tip 1), take the next step and apply what you’ve learned. If you allowed yourself to take a gamble on a less than ideal relationship, why did you make that choice? What changes would you have to make so that you don’t make the same choice in a future situation? If there are some previous wounds that you haven’t healed, what is stopping you from doing so and at what point will you make the decision to tend to those wounds? It is not time that heals all wounds. It is what you do with that time that heals those wounds. Take note of the things that you are doing (or not doing) that may be preventing you from moving on. If you find that you are having difficulty working this step, spend a little more time working on Tip 1.
Tip 3 – Be open to give & receive love again.
Don’t re-injure yourself or deepen the wound by closing yourself off to love. By the same token, don’t rush into a new relationship too quickly either. Doing so only increases the likelihood that you’ll make many of the same mistakes that you did in the previous relationship and find yourself even more deeply hurt and disappointed by yet another broken heart. Instead, go slowly and use what you’ve learned from your previous relationships to your advantage. Equally important, don’t hold your new love responsible for the pain and heartache that you may have previously experienced. Remind yourself as often as necessary that they are not your ex and that the only common denominator between your old love and your new one is Y-O-U. If you see any similarities between them, then go back to Tip 1 and start from the beginning ( i.e. what contributes to your choosing the same kind of mate over and over again?). If you have difficulty arriving at the answer, seek out a qualified professional that may be able to assist you.
Above all, understand that a relationship coming to an end doesn’t mean that either of you are bad people. It simply means that you need different things in order to be satisfied in a relationship. The end of a relationship is a sign that your needs are looking to be filled. Honor yourself by refusing to settle for a relationship that doesn’t have the ability to nourish you in the ways you need it to the most.
My Girl Spirit from Obvious Mag wrote this and it is helping me to heal!
by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
Im a Vegetarian!
Today is Official day 6 of me being a vegetarian. Its been pretty ok I
just eat more fruits and vegetables than before. I get extra tempted
when I am around my west indians and I am feening for some curry chicken
and roti but I am going to do it! Here is a picture of what I ate on my
first day as a vegetarian ... mango chicken and rice mmm mmm good!
M!$$ Rain
just eat more fruits and vegetables than before. I get extra tempted
when I am around my west indians and I am feening for some curry chicken
and roti but I am going to do it! Here is a picture of what I ate on my
first day as a vegetarian ... mango chicken and rice mmm mmm good!
M!$$ Rain
In by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
Nail color for the moment
Feeling kinda springy with this coral nail color with an abstract pinky
nail... with blue, black and green colors to make up the coral nail.
Spring is in the air let your nails do the talking.
M!$$ Rain
nail... with blue, black and green colors to make up the coral nail.
Spring is in the air let your nails do the talking.
M!$$ Rain
In by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
Happy Birthday Alex!
Happy Birthday to my darling Alex... today was his 3rd birthday and had
a Blue's clues slash Diego party. I had a ball and we sang Happy
Birthday. Love you Alex
M!$$ Rain
a Blue's clues slash Diego party. I had a ball and we sang Happy
Birthday. Love you Alex
M!$$ Rain
In by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
Nothing like a fresh tube of lipstick
Why I woke up this morning only to see my Lil sister's new tat! A fresh
new tube of lipstick on her tibia aka right by her elbow inspired by a
head scarf I have, and the ever present Kissed by Rain flow. Love it...
I won't copy it but it has inspired me to get another... hmm what will I
think of next. Time to color my back! Till next time!
M!$$ Rain
new tube of lipstick on her tibia aka right by her elbow inspired by a
head scarf I have, and the ever present Kissed by Rain flow. Love it...
I won't copy it but it has inspired me to get another... hmm what will I
think of next. Time to color my back! Till next time!
M!$$ Rain
In by Mi$$ Rain Fashionista King!
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